Shingles Roof Cost: How Much Should You Expect to Pay?

Shingles Roof Cost: How Much Should You Expect to Pay?
Written by
Roofing Pros Liverpool
Published on
January 24, 2024

Shingle roofs are a popular choice for homeowners due to their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. However, one of the primary concerns for those considering a shingle roof installation or replacement is the cost. The cost of a shingle roof can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the size of the roof, the type of shingles used, and the complexity of the installation.

According to recent search results, the cost of a shingle roof replacement in 2024 can range from £5,000 to £18,000 for an average-sized house in the UK. The cost can vary depending on the type of shingles used, such as asphalt/bitumen, plain, or slate shingles, as well as the cost of labour and scaffolding. Homeowners should also consider any additional features or repairs needed, which can increase the overall cost of the installation.

Basics of Shingles Roofing

Shingles are a popular roofing material due to their affordability and durability. They are small, overlapping tiles that come in a variety of styles and materials, including asphalt, wood, and composite. Shingle roofs are less common in the UK than in North America, but they are still a popular choice for homeowners.

One of the benefits of shingle roofing is its versatility. Shingles can be used on a variety of roof shapes and sizes, making them a great option for many different types of homes. They are also available in a wide range of colours and styles, allowing homeowners to choose a look that complements their home's exterior.

When it comes to cost, shingle roofing is generally more affordable than other types of roofing materials. The cost of a shingle roof can vary depending on the size and complexity of the job, the type of shingles chosen, and the geographical location of the property. However, on average, most homeowners pay between £4,000 and £9,000 to install new shingles.

It's important to note that while shingle roofing is durable, it still requires regular maintenance to ensure its longevity. Homeowners should inspect their shingle roofs regularly for signs of damage, such as missing or cracked shingles, and have any issues repaired promptly to prevent further damage.

Overall, shingle roofing is a popular and affordable option for homeowners looking to replace their roof. With a wide range of styles and materials available, homeowners can choose a look that complements their home's exterior while also providing long-lasting protection from the elements.

Factors Influencing Shingles Roof Cost

When it comes to shingle roof cost, there are several factors that can influence the price. Here are some of the most important ones to keep in mind:

Material Types

The type of shingle material you choose will have a significant impact on the overall cost of your roof. Asphalt shingles are usually the most affordable, costing around £1 to £5 per square foot. Wood and metal shingles are more expensive, ranging from £4 to £8 and £5 to £14 per square foot, respectively. Slate shingles are the most expensive, with prices ranging from £9 to £16 per square foot.

Roof Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of your roof will also affect the cost of your shingle roof. A larger roof will require more materials and labour, which will increase the cost. A complex roof with multiple angles and slopes will also be more expensive to install than a simple, straightforward roof.

Geographical Location

Finally, the cost of shingle roofing can vary depending on your geographical location. Labour costs and material prices can be higher in certain areas of the country, which can drive up the overall cost of your roof. Additionally, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy snowfall, you may need to invest in more expensive shingles that can withstand these conditions.

Overall, it's important to consider all of these factors when estimating the cost of your shingle roof. By understanding the different variables that can affect the price, you can make an informed decision about which materials and contractors to choose for your roofing project.

Cost Breakdown

Labour Expenses

Labour expenses are a significant part of the overall cost of installing a shingles roof. The cost of labour can vary depending on the location, the complexity of the job, and the experience of the workers. On average, a professional roofing contractor will charge between £100 and £200 per day for labour.

Materials Cost

The cost of materials is another major factor in the cost of a shingles roof. The cost of materials can vary depending on the type of shingles used, the size of the roof, and the quality of the materials. On average, the cost of materials for a shingles roof can range from £3,000 to £7,000.

The most commonly used shingles in the UK are asphalt shingles, which are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Other types of shingles, such as wood and metal, can be more expensive but may offer additional benefits such as durability and aesthetic appeal.

Waste Removal and Disposal

Waste removal and disposal is another factor to consider when calculating the cost of a shingles roof. The cost of waste removal can vary depending on the size of the roof and the amount of waste generated during the installation process.

Most roofing contractors will include the cost of waste removal and disposal in their overall quote. On average, the cost of waste removal and disposal for a shingles roof can range from £200 to £500.

Overall, the cost of installing a shingles roof can vary depending on a number of factors. It is important to get multiple quotes from reputable roofing contractors to ensure that you are getting a fair price for your project.

Shingle Types and Prices

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most common type of shingles used for roofing in the UK. They are made from a mixture of asphalt and fibreglass, making them durable and long-lasting. The cost of asphalt shingles varies depending on the quality and brand. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around £34 per square metre for plain asphalt shingles.

Wooden Shingles

Wooden shingles are a popular choice for homeowners who want a natural and rustic look for their roof. They are made from cedar or redwood and can last up to 30 years with proper maintenance. The cost of wooden shingles is higher than asphalt shingles, with prices ranging from £60 to £100 per square metre.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles are a durable and long-lasting option for homeowners looking for a modern and sleek look for their roof. They are made from steel or aluminium and can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance. The cost of metal shingles varies depending on the type of metal used and the quality of the shingles. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around £70 to £100 per square metre for metal shingles.

Slate Shingles

Slate shingles are the most expensive type of shingles, but they are also the most durable and long-lasting. They are made from natural slate and can last up to 100 years with proper maintenance. The cost of slate shingles varies depending on the quality and thickness of the slate. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around £72 per square metre for slate shingles.

In conclusion, the cost of shingles for a roof varies depending on the type of shingle used. Asphalt shingles are the most affordable option, while wooden, metal, and slate shingles are more expensive but offer greater durability and longevity. Homeowners should consider their budget and desired aesthetic when choosing the type of shingle for their roof.

Installation Process

Initial Inspection

Before starting the installation process, a professional roofing contractor will conduct a thorough inspection of the roof to determine its condition. The inspection will help identify any underlying issues that need to be addressed before the installation process begins. The contractor will also take measurements of the roof to determine the amount of materials required for the project.

Old Roof Removal

The next step in the installation process is to remove the old roof. The contractor will use tools such as a roofing shovel and a pry bar to remove the old shingles. The old underlayment and flashing will also be removed. It is important to remove all the old materials to ensure a clean and smooth surface for the new shingles.

Underlayment Installation

Once the old roof has been removed, the next step is to install the underlayment. The underlayment acts as a moisture barrier and helps protect the roof from water damage. The contractor will use a roofing nail gun to secure the underlayment to the roof deck. It is important to ensure that the underlayment is properly installed to prevent leaks.

Shingle Application

The final step in the installation process is to apply the shingles. The contractor will start at the bottom of the roof and work their way up. They will use a chalk line to ensure that the shingles are installed in a straight line. The shingles will be secured to the roof deck using roofing nails. Once the shingles are installed, the contractor will install the flashing and ridge vent.

Overall, the installation process for shingles roof cost can take anywhere from a few days to a week depending on the size of the roof and the complexity of the project. It is important to hire a professional roofing contractor to ensure that the installation process is done correctly and to avoid any issues in the future.

Additional Costs

When planning for a shingles roof installation, it is important to consider additional costs that may arise. These additional costs can vary depending on the scope of the project and the condition of the existing roof.

Roofing Accessories

Roofing accessories are necessary components that are used to enhance the functionality and longevity of the roof. These accessories include items such as underlayment, flashing, and ventilation. The cost of these accessories can vary depending on the quality and quantity needed for the project. A professional roofing contractor can help determine the necessary accessories for the project and provide an estimate for the cost.

Structural Repairs

Before installing a new shingles roof, it is important to ensure that the underlying structure is in good condition. Structural repairs may be necessary if there is damage to the roof decking or framing. The cost of structural repairs can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the materials needed for the repair. A professional roofing contractor can assess the condition of the structure and provide an estimate for the cost of any necessary repairs.

Permits and Inspections

In most cases, a permit is required for a shingles roof installation. The cost of the permit can vary depending on the location and the size of the project. Additionally, inspections may be required throughout the installation process to ensure that the work is being done correctly. The cost of inspections can vary depending on the frequency and complexity of the inspections. It is important to factor in the cost of permits and inspections when budgeting for a shingles roof installation.

Overall, it is important to consider all of the potential costs associated with a shingles roof installation. By working with a professional roofing contractor and factoring in additional costs, homeowners can ensure that they are fully prepared for the project and can enjoy a long-lasting and functional roof.

Cost Comparison

Shingles vs Other Roofing Materials

When it comes to the cost of roofing materials, shingles are a popular choice due to their affordability. However, there are other materials available that may be worth considering.


As per the search results, the cost to install asphalt shingles starts from £40 per square metre. Architectural asphalt shingles tend to be thicker and more decorative than ordinary asphalt. Some can even mimic natural roofing materials like slate or clay tiles.

Other Roofing Materials

Other roofing materials that are commonly used include metal, tile, and slate. Metal roofing can cost anywhere from £50 to £150 per square metre, while tile and slate can cost £80 to £150 per square metre.

While these materials may be more expensive than shingles, they offer benefits such as durability and longevity. Metal roofing, for example, can last up to 50 years, while tile and slate can last up to 100 years.

It is important to note that the cost of installation for these materials may also be higher due to their weight and complexity. Additionally, the cost of maintenance and repair may be higher as well.

Overall, shingles remain a popular choice due to their affordability, but it is worth considering other materials if durability and longevity are a priority.

Maintenance and Longevity

Regular Maintenance Costs

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of a shingle roof. The cost of maintenance can vary depending on the size of the roof and the type of shingles used. However, it is generally recommended to have a professional inspect the roof every 3-5 years to identify any potential issues and address them before they become major problems.

One of the most common maintenance tasks for shingle roofs is replacing damaged or missing shingles. The cost of replacing shingles can range from £0.80 to £1.50 per square foot, depending on the quality and type of shingle. For an average-sized roof, the material cost for shingle replacement can be anywhere from £1,800 to £3,500. Other maintenance tasks may include cleaning gutters, removing debris, and inspecting flashing.

Life Expectancy of Shingle Roofs

The life expectancy of a shingle roof can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the shingles, the installation process, and the climate. Generally, asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 15-30 years, depending on the quality of the shingles and the level of maintenance they receive.

It is important to note that the life expectancy of a shingle roof can be significantly reduced if it is not properly maintained. Neglecting regular maintenance tasks can lead to issues such as leaks, damage to the roof deck, and premature shingle failure. Therefore, it is recommended to have a professional inspect and maintain the roof regularly to ensure its longevity.

Financing and Insurance

Insurance Coverage

Before opting for a new shingles roof, it is essential to check if the homeowner's insurance policy covers the cost of roof replacement or repair. Most insurance policies cover roof damage caused by natural disasters, such as hail, wind, or fire. However, it is recommended to contact the insurance company and check the terms and conditions of the policy.

In case the insurance policy does not cover the cost of roof replacement, the homeowner may have to pay for it out of their pocket. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the insurance policy and its coverage.

Financing Options

Replacing or repairing a shingles roof can be an expensive affair. Therefore, it is essential to explore financing options to make it more affordable. Here are some financing options that homeowners can consider:

  • Personal Loans: Homeowners can opt for personal loans to finance their roof replacement or repair. Personal loans are unsecured loans that do not require any collateral. However, the interest rates on personal loans can be high, depending on the borrower's credit score and income.
  • Home Equity Loans: Homeowners can also consider taking out a home equity loan to finance their roof replacement or repair. Home equity loans are secured loans that use the home as collateral. The interest rates on home equity loans are usually lower than personal loans, but the homeowner risks losing their home if they fail to repay the loan.
  • Roofing Financing Programs: Some roofing contractors offer financing programs that allow homeowners to pay for their roof replacement or repair in instalments. These programs usually come with low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms. However, homeowners should read the terms and conditions of these programs carefully before signing up.

In conclusion, homeowners should explore different financing options and insurance coverage before opting for a new shingles roof. It is important to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the financing option and insurance policy to avoid any surprises in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average price per square metre for installing a shingle roof?

According to Checkatrade, the average cost to install asphalt shingles starts from £40 per square metre. However, the cost may vary depending on the type of shingles used, the size of the roof, and the complexity of the installation.

How much does labour typically add to the overall expense of shingle roofing?

Labour costs can vary depending on the contractor and the location of the property. On average, labour costs can add up to 50% of the total cost of the shingle roofing project.

Which variety of roof shingles offers the most cost-effective option?

Asphalt shingles are typically the most cost-effective option when it comes to shingle roofing. They are durable, easy to install, and come in a variety of colours and styles.

Can you provide a cost comparison for 40-year versus 50-year shingles?

The cost of 50-year shingles is typically higher than 40-year shingles. However, 50-year shingles are more durable and may save you money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs or replacement.

What factors should be considered when using a shingle roof cost calculator?

When using a shingle roof cost calculator, it is important to consider the size of the roof, the type of shingles used, the complexity of the installation, and the labour costs. It is also important to get multiple quotes from different contractors to ensure you are getting a fair price.

Are there significant price differences between purchasing roof shingles from major retailers?

There may be price differences between purchasing roof shingles from major retailers, but it is important to compare the quality of the shingles as well as the price. It is also important to factor in the cost of delivery and installation when comparing prices.

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